OCEANROAMERS manages the European (BE) IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS non profit organization.
We are headquartered in Egypt's Ain Sokhna, where we are spearheading, marine conservation & sustainable development programs in the Red Sea. And overseeing the development of the MAERC project.
For additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to us, via our contact page.
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Project Update #OPREDSEA21

Red Sea Fishermen on the frontier with Sudan Red Sea Fishermen on the frontier with Sudan

First update since I started phase 1 of OPERATION RED SEA '21. So much has happened over these last days, some good, some less. But all in all the forward motion is there.
As I write it's Sunday evening, first day of the workweek in the arab world. I am still in Egypt currently waiting on the green light for my entry visa to Sudan. So I can finally start traveling towards Khartoum.

But plans however good conceived, need to remain flexible. We are still in a pandemic, after all.

  • "Those who plan do better than those who do not plan even though they rarely stick to their plan."  

~ Winston Churchill

So this week, I started the fundraising process. And I am happy to report that in 4 days time I managed to raise 450 Euro. The work associated with the fundraising has been quite extensive. However the amount of contributions, from friends and followers; what I found very heartwarming is obviously the moral support, and private messages I have received. Fundraising within the diving industry will be a challenge, as most of my network has seen no income since March this year.

Team members: 
I am so happy to announce that, my lone ranger days are over. 4 volunteers have pledged their support to the project. And after various online meetings, I can now count on a North American team, led By Mrs. Lara Gerdes, which will coordinate our efforts there. And from the Netherlands, I can now count on the support of Miss Anne Te Koppele. These amazing people will coordinate with both Dr. GJ Gast who is our scientific advisor, and myself in setting up our communication, administration and logistics support.
More on those amazing people soon, such a moral boost though.

Travel Plans: The scenic route, along the Nile.
So in order to avoid some covid problems, and keep expenditures low. I have decided to travel by road from Hurghada to Aswan, then over to Abu Simbel by boat (if I can, otherwise by bus or train) towards the frontier city of wadi halfa. From there onwards to Khartoum either by car sent to pick me up by our local partners, or bus.
I gathered the risk of getting covid is like playing Russian roulette. I'll wear my mask and ensure distancing.
Not really more I can do... I just hope Poseidon watches over me.

Twee Vandaag Documentary 2006
Regency 4* Hotel in Khartoum, to sponsor #OPREDSEA...

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