Since his professional debut as a divemaster/captain in 1988 (When diving was dangerous and sex was safe). He has had the privilege to train with some of the best in the industry, from the North Sea to Curacao where he grew up. To finally fall in love with the Red Sea in 1992.
The Red Sea became his mistress, and until this day the Love he has for this tropical basin has not abated.
1993 he was one of 3 full time guides, in the then non developed Egyptian Red Sea, running liveaboards undisturbed to the highlights of the Red Sea. After 4 years full time at Sea, he would start his management career, which would gradually evolve into executive positions. In 1998 he would be scouted and recruited by Scuba Schools International, marking the start of his international career. 4 years later, in 2002 he would start his independent contractor/consulting career with the inception of OCEANROAMERS in the Netherlands.
Under OCEANROAMERS he would travel the world of scuba destinations, working as a project developer, consultant, course director and professional diver. In 2007 he would start his debut as a Socially Environmentally Responsible Entrepreneur, with the creation of the DIVE PROFESSIONALS network, but also working on several marine environmental projects in Egypt and Sudan's Red Sea.
When he is not diving or seascaping, he sails, windsurfs or designs new garments and tools for mariners. He lives in Ain Sokhna (Egypt), where with his dive team and colleagues he currently works on Seascaping, managing the expansion of the IADP network and projects in the Red Sea.
An activist and Ocean Warrior not only at heart, but in deeds.
Visit the #OPREDSEA official page, to stay up to date on our team efforts.
For the latest news check the Updates & Press page.

A seasoned executive business consultant, he speaks 8 languages, a few dialects. An experienced professional diver, and a commercial coastal captain. Platinum Pro 5000 award recipient in 2010. He has recently celebrated 30 years of professional diving. He is credited with the construction, of 17+ Dive Tourism projects, the successful establishment of major corporate brands; from conceptual stages to operational implementation.
THEOCEANROAMER is the diving industry's training & exploration sector's, most accomplished independent consultant. Through his assignments, accomplishments, failures and accumulated experiences; he is uniquely positioned to consult for SMB's, and corporate clients alike, interested in expanding their horizons to the EMEA regions.
With an extensive corporate clients portfolio, which spans the likes of Aqualung, NAUI, SSI, Extra Divers, Three Corners Hotels, Egypt's Saddat family, Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Cafe, El Gouna, HEPCA, Camel Dive, Jazz & Iberotel Hotels, SubStation Curacao, Sky Tours and so many more.
Marine, Hospitality and Tourism owners, and executives in the EMEA regions turn to OCEANROAMERS for a diversity of tailor made consultancy options. (B2B SERVICES)

THEOCEANROAMER© stands for non-conformism, idealism, professionalism, a strong sense of social and environmental duty. A mariner, since his early teens, growing up on the harsh shorelines of the North Sea, in Belgium. At age 18 he would start working as a professional diver and boat captain for the Curacao Seaquarium. In 1993 he started working in the Red Sea, and by the age of 28, he would be the youngest general manager for SSI in the Red Sea.
Tired of a shallow Existence? Time to Put Some Depth, in Your Life?
Let the Sea, Set You Free!
An outspoken, no-nonsense mariner and professional diver. Respected by his peers and veterans in the Red Sea for creating self sufficient dive teams and operations in the most remote, and difficult conditions. Recently he has decided to dedicate his entire efforts, time and resources to the protection, and sustainable development of Sudan’s Red Sea shorelines (read: "Return to the Sudan"). Spearheading OPREDSEA, a sustainable development project, based out of Sudan's Red Sea State, in Port Sudan. Check the official page
Besides this he continues to dedicate his time, as the General Manager of the nonprofit in formation IADP – DIVE PROFESSIONALS, which he founded, and has been spearheading since 2007.
Under various online aliases such as THEOCEANROAMER | THEDIVEPRO he creates content for, and manages extensive social media networks.
His Missions and Commitment, to his teammates, fans, partners and customers.
Your Future is created, by what you do today, not tomorrow.
For the Red Sea
By empowering the native coastal communities of The Sudan, to sustainably develop, and protect their marine resources; setting an example for the neighboring countries bordering the Red Sea. To that effect he is currently offering his consultancy free of charge to the relevant authorities, governmental or non governmental organizations, and charities active in the Sudan. Click here for #OPREDSEA
For the Diving Industry
He pledges to abide to the good practices set forth in the code of ethics, and promote the mission statement of the International Association of Dive Professionals (IADP). Pushing for trade recognition, a new quality rating, professionalism, benefits and giving a voice to it's workforce.
For the Marine Environment
Continue developing the GOBLU3 initiative, connecting ocean sustainability professionals around the world. Addressing the shortcomings, of current marine conservation efforts; and subsequently empower professional divers worldwide, to take an active and concerted effort in mitigating the negative impacts on the aquatic realm.
Awarded the prestigious Platinum Pro 5000 Award (2010)
National Association of Underwater Instructors
1996 | Course Director - Ex Area Rep. N.Africa - 16835
Scuba Schools International
1996 | Instructor Certifier - Ex General Manager Red Sea - IC 36593
Professional Association of Diving Instructors
1988 | Master Instructor - 57007
British Subaqua Club
1995 | Advanced Instructor - AI 2269
Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques
1995 | 3* Instructor - AI 2269
Commercial Coastal Captain's License
Netherland Antilles | 1989 | <100 Tons