While Egypt is a world leader in fixed moorings, many countries around the Red Sea still do not have access to the necessary infrastructure. The resulting damage to these reefs, of anchoring damages, could easily be avoided, with fixed moorings, avoiding the need for destructive anchoring practices. The IADP, with it's GOBLU3 Red Sea alliance will change this, by giving access to the machinery, courses and organize regular mooring missions to countries in need around the Red Sea basin.

"2023, the year we stopped destroying, the reefs of the Red Sea."


While Egypt is a world leader in fixed moorings, many countries around the Red Sea still do not have access to the necessary infrastructure. The resulting damage to these reefs, of anchoring damages, could easily be avoided, with fixed moorings, avoiding the need for destructive anchoring practices. The IADP, with it's GOBLU3 Red Sea alliance will change this, by giving access to the machinery, courses and organize regular mooring missions to countries in need around the Red Sea basin.


The project consists of 5 stages:

  1. Research, fundraising and purchasing of all necessary materials and equipment. Manta Ray underwater hydraulic anchoring system, a custom built work boat for mooring works.
  2. Setup of academic and practical curricula
  3. Training and Mooring Expeditions around countries in the Red Sea.

Initial fundraising capital of 250,000 will ensure, stages 1 - 3 are funded. 

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